Spring is here!
Get your lawn ready for the season
Make sure to wake up your lawn properly!

Repair Bare Spots in your Lawn

Feed it well!

Product to use
VIVA LAWN® Repair Mix will be your best ally to repair your lawn efficiently. This sphagnum peat moss based soil mix is enriched with compost and wetting agent for exceptional results.
- Use with grass seeds to repair or thicken an existing lawn.
- Provides lawn density 2X Thicker*
- Helps retain moisture for germination in 5 days*
- Enriched with fertilizer that promotes young grass seedlings establishment
*Compared to a conventional soil

4 good reasons
to aerate your lawn
By topdressing your lawn, you are ensuring that the soil is nourished for a healthier lawn. You can overseed at the same time to make it thicker.

Product to use:
Sea Compost
The SEA COMPOST with Peat, Seaweed and Shrimp improves sandy soil structure while providing essential nutrients for healthy and vigorous growth, ideal for lawn topdressing.
- Provides nutrients which contribute to healthy and vigorous plant growth
- Contains seaweed and shrimp which stimulates plant growth
- Increases water and nutrients retention of sandy soils

Lawn Benefits

6 mistakes to avoid
during the spring season
How to get a greener and stronger lawn this season
Here are a few key elements to keep in mind for a lush, disease-resistant lawn:

Mowing and watering tips
Mowing the lawn is very important to ensuring it’s health. It may sound very simple, and it is, but there are some rules you should follow: keep the lawn about 3” high, leave clippings in place (grasscycling), and make sure mower blades are always sharp. Also, do not forget to water often when rain just isn’t enough. Less frequent deep watering is better than frequent shallow watering.

Overseeding fills in the gaps in your lawn to make it thicker and leave less opportunity for weeds to take hold. Adding quality grass seed to your topsoil or compost when you topdress will kill two birds with one stone. Be sure to keep the soil moist for two weeks to optimize the germination of your seeds. You can find quality weed-free grass seed that is suitable for your light conditions at your favorite garden centre.